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Building brands that grow businesses


Cloud Construct

Internet Software Developers

Cloud Construct has been helping businesses Adopt, Grow and Thrive in the Cloud since 2012 by building software applications, e-commerce platforms and internet hosting platforms for fast and reliable global website performance.

We’re a dedicated team of internet software developers in Telford, ready to advise you on the right software to solve your business’s biggest headaches and achieve your biggest goals.

And now as Select Consulting Partners for Amazon Web Services (AWS), we literally have hundreds of cloud-based services at our disposal.

This opens up incredible opportunities: Cutting-edge technology is now accessible and affordable for start-ups and small businesses, eCommerce businesses and digital agencies, not just the big established companies with huge budgets.

We can streamline your business systems, speed up your websites and offer expert consultation and help you with:

  • Advanced hosting
  • Custom APIs
  • Bespoke software
  • Cross-platform app development